Saturday, October 17, 2009

Cousins Finally Meet

What a fun day we had this week. Len and I drove to Chehalis and his cousin, whom he had never met, drove up from Portland for a family reunion of two. Their dads were brothers who both immigrated from Sweden as young men. Her dad came first at the age of 17, working his way from Ellis Island to upstate New York, through Canada to Washington, finally settling in Oregon.

Len's dad came later, but directly to Washington where he stayed at first with family in the Port Orchard area.

These two had never met and her mother who is 99 1/2, made her promise she would give Len the family pictures and items from the family home in Sweden. That she did this week and what a hoot it was seeing pictures of the home that Len's dad grew up in in Sweden, along with pictures of his siblings. Len's dad passed away when he was very young so of course he missed out on all the stories that could have been told !!!!

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