Here we are/were last week, waiting on long metal benches in the Warners Brothers Studio parking garage with our tickets to the Ellen DeGeneres show. It's a long slow process with metal detectors, purse searchers and goofy acts from those volunteering to show the world that they truly are idiots before we were admitted to the theater. It was all I could do not to step forward and show the world how well I wiggle my eyebrows.
Once inside we were educated on when to stand, sit, wave, scream and most importantly...when we heard the word jump up and do the Ellen dance. Most of the young girls wore themselves out trying to be noticed by the powers that be, hoping they'd be chosen to go down and do the dance or at least win a t-shirt. Miley Cyress was one of the guests, along with another actor I didn't know. The best was a young fellow they found on who played his guitar and sang for us. Here's hoping this bit of attention helps his career.
All in all, I am glad I am not in that business, but it was fun to see how it all comes together.
Be sure and look for us in the audience tomorrow...March 31st at 3:00 pm on KING 5.