Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Sleeping Beauty

Gig Harbor is filled with a whole lot of talented people with some mighty fine lenses. Steve Biber, John Pleau, Pete Ansara and Jim Nelson, to name a few, are whose pictures I collected from the Gig Harbor, WA Facebook site to put together this video of our beautiful sleeping beauty, Mt. Rainier. They said it would be okay to use their photos if they were given credit. I even added a little of my own flute music to the mix. Turn off the sound at the bottom of the page, put in a pair of ear plugs and have a look and a listen.


Matt Thomson said...

3 of the 4 of them (Steve, John, and Jim) are featured in my annual Gig Harbor photo calendar! Great guys.

DeeDee said...

They take amazing pictures. I especially enjoy John's as I spend quite a bit of time at a friends right behind his place so know the view like the back of my hand :o)