Sunday, August 3, 2008

Clouds and Ships

My friend and I took a drive to Astoria, Oregon yesterday. We drove south on I-5, then took the exit at Olympia that goes out to the coast. We stopped at our favorite place in Aberdeen/Hoquiam, a grungy little corner hotdog stand , then off down the coast we went. There were few cars on the road, maybe because of gas prices, or maybe there are always few cars waaaaaay out there. It was a nice drive, with both sharing the driving, and when we arrived in Astoria, the weather was warm and our hotel was very comfortable, right smack on the river, with a walking trail and trolley track no more than 20 feet from our door, being used by lots of people and their dogs. We dined at a restaurant on pilings over the river which used to be the Bumble Bee Cannery. No they didn't can bumble bees !!!!!! Probably salmon..that wonderful wild salmon that is so healthy and where I read that Astoria used to be the salmon canning capital of the world.
The Columbia River was busy with ships coming and going with who knows what kind of cargo. We noticed out our window, the ship in the picture above heading up river. It was getting late, but the shot came out very well I think.
We were lucky enough to see my son come up the river after a long day fishing in the ocean for sardines. He blinked his lights at us as he did we know when he would be passing you ask...of course..our cell phones. They are such a pain most of the time, but once in a while I turn mine on for something really important!!!
We visited with a nice couple from Canada who sat at the table next to us at dinner. They were planning on leaving their car in Astoria for a few days and biking down the coast. I spose if they biked down the coast..they would have to bike back up the coast to get their car. They were not much younger than we are, so I'm wishing them well!!

1 comment:

FishTaxi said...

nice shot DeeDee

How cool to see your son flash his lights.

When I think of Bumble Bee I think of tuna. :)