Thursday, October 7, 2010

Road Trip

What a fun day we had yesterday on our spur of the moment day trip to Port Townsend/Point Wilson, aboard one of our friend's RV. We parked not far from the light house, and had a terrific BBQ in the wonderfully warm October sun, all the while watching the giant container ships pass among the many sailboats that scooted across the water under a perfect breeze. For desert, we piled into the SUV that we had towed behind and drove downtown for ice cream. We stopped at sis' house to show them a true Victorian home, again to a beautiful spot along the beach where one could look north to the San Juan Islands and beyond, then home again where we found a spot big enough for our huge land yacht, across the street from the liquor store of all places, hauled out the chicken, tossed green salad and fresh strawberries dipped in whipped cream, and ate our dinner, with folks scratching their heads as they passed by. Once our stomachs were full, Len and I got in the front, and we smooshed another couple into the back seat of my car next to my grandchildrens carseat, and returned them, along with his walker that hung out of my trunk, back to their retirement home. It was a fun day and we're ready to do it again soon !!!!!!

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