Saturday, October 1, 2011

Lookin For Goldfish

A week ago we visited the Olalla Valley Winery and while there, Joey, the owner, and my granddaughter, Ingrid, were looking for the two wiley goldfish that he  knew were hiding somewhere in the pond. Of course I couldn't pass up a really cute photo op.
Joey's dad, Joe, and Ingrid's great grandmother, Maria, were brother and sister. Ingrid's grandmother was the first to come  to this country when she married Ingrid's grandfather who had come to this country a few years earlier, but returned  to the "old country" with the intention of  finding  himself  a wife. He  brought her back to Gig Harbor, with her never returning again to the island of Brac in Croatia...then Yugoslavia.    Later, Joey's dad immigrated, met and married Mary Lovrovich and settled down to raise his family. When I spotted these two, heads together, lookin for goldfish, I couldn't help but imagine Joe and Maria looking down  at that moment from the heavens above, faces beaming.

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