Sunday, July 1, 2012


I have enjoyed watching the grand opening of Seattle's Great Wheel. It's owner is Hal...we knew him as Harold when were were kids...Griffith. We all went to school in a little two room school in Rosedale and he didn't live far from the school, but far enough that he had to  take the school bus.
When we were in high school, he was the one selling hot dogs at the football games and he and Len were the ones cutting and selling Christmas trees. They both worked at Pooles Nursery on 6th avenue for a bit, but Hal went off to make it big in the restaurant business...The Crab Pot restaurant in Bellevue and of course Fisherman's on pier 57. I am tickled for him that he managed to pull off this latest fete....lord knows, it must have been years in the making with all the permitting etc. I am looking forward to riding on the Great Wheel and hope it's a huge success. Oh..and he's the top right person in the picture...other than older and greyer...he looks the same. And, don't try to find me cause I didn't get transferred to that school until the second grade.

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