Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Len and I went for a drive today..all over the place...me driving his shiny new car....with him just enjoyin the ride. As we drove along Ray Nash Drive, we came to the stump where, 63 years ago,  our school bus turned around twice a day as it picked up and dropped off  kids along the way. Kathy Early lived at the bottom of the driveway and we figured they  must have been very rich because they had a beautiful house,  smack dab on the water.
I was so enthralled with the stump that I just had to stop and take a picture. There was an older gentleman trimming bushes and I am sure he wasn't thrilled to have someone come charging in to end his tranquility and when I  told him why I had stopped,  he wasn't interested. No sooner did I get the pix, a giant SUV drove in and made the poor man move his wheelbarrow...and then I heard a honk honk and the mailman arrived with our car sitting in front of the mailboxes.   Lordy..what started out as a spiritual moment turned into total bedlam :o)

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