Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year

Happy New Year family and friends. This being my 72nd new year's celebration, there've been changes galore. As a kid I dreamed that someone would invent a radio watch so I could secretly listen to soap operas in school. Now I see Apple is working on a wrist computer. Heck, if I were in school still, I could finally listen to "Rush" on all kinds of gadgets. Heck, the way online learning is going, kids wont have to "go to school". Kahn Academny,anyone??
Doctors used to come to the house when we were sick and no one bought health insurance, gas was fairly inexpensive thanks to a plentiful US source..it may be that way again thanks to fracking, and we can keep our money here at home.
Plastic hadn't been invented, hence we saw no mountains of brightly colored kids toys piled sky high, waiting to become shag carpets or car bumpers. Our phone was made of oak and hung on the wall with a short cord which meant conversations were short.
I remember gas rationing "during the war" so we had to/got to ride the bus to town, taking the ferry because there was no bridge. The two room school house in Rosedale with grades one through four, and our bus making the turn around at the giant stump and Mrs. Pratt letting us listen to Let's Pretend when we had to go to school on Saturdays to make up for days missed because of the long freeze in 1950.I wonder how unions would handle that today.
I remember the special people who were such a huge part of my life and are no longer with us and I appreciate all those who are here and part of my life now. Most of all, I can't imagine life without an Azumi and of course the little people :o) Happy New Year and may it be a dandy !

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