Saturday, February 6, 2010


Washington DC is being buried in a record snow and our Washington is on the verge of spring. We are so blessed living here on the left coast.
My walk yesterday took me down to the entrance of the harbor where we lived for a short while when our oldest was our one and only. Our cabin was near the spot I stood while taking this picture and our cabin was almost the same as the one in the picture and, our cabin is the only one that was loaded onto a barge and floated away to become a home for someone else.
Two of my most vivid memories from living there are the sound the engine of the Avalon made as she headed out early in the morning to fish in the fall and the other was the morning after the Good Friday earthquake in Alaska. We had heard a strange noise coming from the water late in the evening and didn't give it any thought. The next morning, about 3 feet of the beach had been washed away and there, near the bulkhead, stood pilings that had been covered for years, probably used to support a stairway.
Valdez was destroyed by the tsunami that resulted from the quake and we were amazed that we would be affected too.
This video of Seward is well worth watching !!

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