Thursday, May 5, 2011

Irish Reunion

Well, Ireland will never be the same again !! Sis is picking up our two cousins today who flew into Shannon and they are going to visit the old home of our grandmother, plus visit one of our Flanagan cousins. Of course they will be taste testing a bit of Guinness along the way.

We met our dad's sister's girls a few years ago at a family reunion in Bangor, Maine and have kept in touch since. As you can see, they take after their mother who was very attractive. Gail, the one in blue, lived for a short time when very young in a tiny home on the lagoon just below Peninsula High School with her mom and dad. He was in the military and stationed in the northwest for a period of time.

I would have loved to be exploring Ireland with them, but I hate to leave home this time of year because this is the best time of the year to live where we do.

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