Friday, February 24, 2012


Michael Ramirez of Investor’s Business Daily illustrated the Mobius Loop the president’s epistemically closed worldview nicely back in 2009.
I have been scratching my head as to how he could  possibly have been qualified to win  the Nobel Peace Prize and I now know, he wont fight for anyone or anything...just look a the price of oil we are now paying.  You'd think he'd get  a backbone and fight for us. But, when he ran for president he said we could expect to see the cost of electricity rise and he was true to his word. And look how hard he worked to help green energy...such generosity with our money...gave so much to try and help all those failing companies...such a good man.
Here's more.
Oh..and "the devil made me do it".  I really like Santorum and this business of him mentioning "satan" and folks getting their shorts in a wad over it is nuts.
Lastly...I got a chuckle out of this Volt video.

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