Sunday, March 4, 2012

Amazing turnout

Our area leader told us they had brought along 600 name tags, figuring that would be more than enough, but it came nowhere close. By the time I worked my way to the beginning of the line to register, we were reduced to good old fashioned masking tape and I have no idea how many rolls they used, but there were so many at our 26th district caucus at Chapel Hill church that they had to send many of the people downstairs into another large meeting area.
The room was alive with enthusiasm as each group voted on what was important and not so important to be taken up later down the road, and it was a circus once we started voting on delegates.  Because of the huge crowd, it was all we could do to hear our man in charge, but we perservered and I was delighted to see the young man who sat next  to me chosen as a delegate...and he was a Santorum man :o)  So many of the folks attending were close to my age, but scattered among us were some great young folks who truly care about this country and the direction it's headed. Let's hope they have friends who feel as they do....basically...anyone but Obama.

Heck, even some democrats are bolting...this is a hoot.

Oh..and I saw this comment this morning on a blog......
"I don’t care how high the price of gas goes if that’s what it takes to get this President out of office. Just consider it the price of freedom, a patriotic duty."

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