Saturday, June 8, 2013

Loading net

It's that time of year again and the guys were busy loading their net at the new city dock yesterday.
I watched my youngest string the corks on the new cork line, with Jacob collecting all the broken ones and doing garbage duty, and I watched out my window while they sewed and pullied and tied and tugged. Some years they just go through the net and mend....this year he took it completely apart and added new where new was needed.  All that was done while they shared the net shed with a mama raccoon and her babies in the rafters above. Well...until the dog of one of the crew members finally, with the help of the guys, climbed into the rafters and sent mama scurrying out the window. During the night she must have taken her babies to another location after coming to the conclusion that there would be no peace at that place.
The photo was taken by Ken Malich and I saw it on facebook because I am his friend :o)  It's a crazy world we live in..heck I bet even our president's men can see  it.

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