Monday, June 10, 2013

Store keepers

What a fun day the little ones had yesterday. Somehow their parents managed to send them all to my place at the same time for a much needed break and what great time was had by all. In the picture they have their store all set up on the deck and are ready for business. We even used my dad's old cash box from when he ran the store in Purdy many years ago. We had a lesson about coins and their value...and...why there were two empty slots...the half dollar and dollar coins that we no longer, or rarely use.  After that it was off the play frisbee, climb trees, walk as far down the trail without getting eaten by tigers and lions and bears. Oh My !!! I am not sure who had the most fun..ganny or the kids, but I do know I slept well  as I'm sure they all did. Life is good :o)

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