Thursday, December 22, 2011

Cozy Bed

Since I have been without a voice and not feeling well I have stayed home....but....I am not done with my Christmas shopping. Yesterday morning I still had to buy for two, now it's just one. I spent the day digging through my fabric scraps and came up with enough to make a bed for Ingrid's doll.  Today I will venture out into the germ filled world and tackle Jacob's gift, plus buy enough groceries so I wont have to go out again until Christmas day.  
Oh...and ....Happy Winter Solstice everyone...this is my favorite day of the if you didn't already know that.  Into the light we go :o)
And.....if you want to hear Salute to O'l Blue Eyes from an altogether different perspective, I see someone made a video of our music.  Here's how we sound coming from the audience  instead of from a bag under my chair in front of the brass. A much more balanced sound :o) Just for fun, here is March of the Toys :o)

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