Friday, October 31, 2008

Trick Or Treat

Will ya look who's ready to go trick or treating. Amazing what can be accomplished with photoshop.
I still haven't bought any treats for the kiddies yet. I should buy skittles and things not chocolate, but of course will buy snickers, milky ways or three musketeers.
The downtown stores give candy to the kids so the city will close off the main street for a couple of hours to ensure their safety.
Here I go again, but what's wrong with people keeping their kids in their own neighborhoods. It's not like they don't get enough junk as it is. "When I was a kid" we had very few neighbors, and I remember going to the house of a very grumpy old man who he gave us dried bread. Lordy, if one did that today, he would probably be putting his house back together come November 1st.
Here's Halloween advice from a dentist: Let your kids eat their sugary booty in one sitting because enamel-eroding acids linger in the mouth for 20 minutes after each snack session. Guzzle then brush and be done with the whole thing.

1 comment:

Matt Thomson said...

I love the photo! As a parent of a kid who took advantage of the downtown trick or treating, I'll respectfully disagree.
Gig Harbor is set up in such a way that there are way too many kids who don't live in a neighborhood. And the majority of our neighborhoods are unlit and have no sidewalks.
I LOVED the community gathering downtown. My blog today is on the events such as this that make Gig Harbor a special community.