Friday, December 19, 2008

Global Warming, NOT !!

I think most of us are down right sick of the cold. The streets are impossibly impassable, Christmas shopping isn't finished yet, and school, parties and meetings have been canceled day after day. Furnaces are guzzling gallons of oil, though I was tickled to hear that the price per gallon has slipped to $38.00 per barrel.
I remember the deep freeze we had in 1950 when the bay froze and people were actually able to iceskate. I also remember what fun it was going to school on Saturday's to make up the days lost when buses and trucks weren't allowed on the roads while the thaw took place. To top it off, our teacher let us listen to our favorite Saturday morning radio show, Let's Pretend.
Today, kids would have to go to school halfway through the summer.
It seems the highlight of my day lately is what should I eat !!! Last night it was chicken thighs cooked slowly, then topped with Hunt's 4 cheese spaghetti sauce, and spooned gently over long spaghetti, topped with parmesan cheese. Today and tomorrow that will be dinner, plus whatever sweets I can create. I figure at least a ten pound gain by the time this miserable weather system passes :o)

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