Saturday, September 20, 2008

Take me away

The last two mornings I have woken to darkness and then grey sky. Oh how I hate to see winter approaching because I am definately a summer person. If I could, I'd book a trip on one of those fancy cruise ships and sail through the Panama Canal. I have cruised the "mexican riviera", but that's it!
It was such fun getting up early in the morning when the only people up were the crew and staff, pulling on my grubbies, and standing on the bow with the few other crazies, watching as we quietly slipped through the darkness into port each morning.
We sailed on the Saphire Princess out of San Pedro. Docked at the same pier was the Queen Mary 2. We pulled out past her and as we sailed down the channel, we were thrilled to see so many people waving goodbye from the many small boats and along the shore. Soon we realized that it wasn't us they had come to see. The QM2 had made her first stop on the U.S. west coast and she was the one they were all in a dither about, including the fire department. As she left, the fireboat sprayed it's hoses and made a big fuss over her. Humph !!!

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