Saturday, September 27, 2008

Tinker Toy or Tinker Bell

My granddaughter is crazy about Tinker Bell. She had a Tinker Bell theme for her 4th birthday, sleeps under a cozy Tinker Bell comforter and I even noticed a tiny Tinker Bell figure on the elastic that holds her hair out of her face. As I was surfing the site, I noticed they sell TinkerToys with prices ranging from $15.00 to $150.00. Ouch!!! I remember the fun my sisters and I had when we were kids with TinkerToys. Anything that would spin or roll was to die for. I'm thinking that this might be the year that Santa brings her her first set. Not sure if I will succumb to the less expensive set or go whole hog and get the super duper one....I know her papa would love the one with the gazillion pieces.

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