Monday, November 10, 2008

Restoration Complete

It took a long time, but the house is finished. The good news is that the gal who restored it, grew up in it. The sad news is she passed away soon after moving in.
Theresa Malich Mueller was only 58 years old, had spent most of her life teaching, and once retired, she and her hubby were thrilled to be able to bring back to life the home where she grew up.
For reasons none of us will ever understand, she was taken way too early from those who loved her. Our prayers go out to her family and past students who made it through tough times because of her "you can do it" attitude. We'll miss you and your boundless energy Theresa :o)


Matt Thomson said...

We've been watching that house for quite a while now, impressed at how beautiful it was. I never knew the story of who owned it. Sad that Theresa has passed away so young. How great that she at least got to see her home restored.

DeeDee said...

She was quite a gal. Had such a wonderful spirit.