Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Drill Baby Drill

If only I were talking about drilling for oil, but sad to say, I am going to the dentist today to have a filling replaced on one of my molars, which was last worked on when I was high school. Those were the days before the high speed drills and lasars that they use now, but after the days of the foot pedal drill. I feared the novacaine needle so badly that I never had any and would somehow get through the procedure trying not to let my moaning or grimacing get too terribly out of hand. If only we'd had dental floss in those days. Sewing thread just didn't cut it.
Because I had such a mouth full of teeth and no where to put them, the orthodontist ordered two top and two bottoms pulled and in 6 months, because we decided to move to Alaska, he moved the rest of my teeth into place and sent me packing with a retainer. Those were the days of the metal bands around each tooth and not the glued on the front of the tooth wire holders. My God, it''s no wonder I am a little nutso !!!

1 comment:

Shippics said...

Ah, DeeDee,I'm with you on the dentist thing.....the grinding drill.....yikes! Do love the oboe solo, too! :o)